Update & upgrade management

Update and upgrade services for KROHNE and 3rd party instruments

  • Sustainable alternative to full instrument replacement

  • Approved product software/firmware updates and hardware upgrades

  • Upgrade service for electronics to help customers meet the latest application requirements

  • Flowmeter retrofitting of 3rd party electromagnetic flowmeters (EMF)

At a glance

  • Refurbishments and retrofittings for installed instruments to extend and update product life cycle
  • Enhanced diagnostic functionality
  • Cost-effective upgrade services for installed KROHNE flowmeters and radar level transmitters with backwards compatible converters or modular designs
  • Regular software updates to keep KROHNE products up to date
  • Overhaul of mechanical VA flowmeters including replacement of worn and torn parts
  • Upgrade service for 3rd party products to retrofit your obsolete electromagnetic flowmeters with new electronics
  • Fair and honest cost-benefit assessment for refurbishment or replacement decisions

Your challenge

Whether it be for adapting to increased application requirements, a more sustainable business model or simply for efficiency reasons: well thought-out product life cycle management is able to capitalise on the fact that even at the end of a product's life cycle, many products can still be reused and often only need to be upgraded or refurbished to a certain extent. This can ultimately save customers money and contribute to more sustainability.

Our service

With KROHNE's update & upgrade management services, we help operators extend the life span of their measuring devices, reduce downtimes and improve the diagnostic functions of existing instruments. When developing and manufacturing our products, we aim to offer our customers the best possible price-performance ratio and to provide instrumentation that is as durable as possible. For this reason, many of our products can still be retrofitted many years after installation, can be updated electronically to provide enhanced diagnostic functionality or can be completely refurbished mechanically.

This service applies not only to KROHNE devices, but also to third-party products. For example, if old electromagnetic flowmeters can no longer be properly maintained due to a lack of spare parts, KROHNE can carry out a flowmeter retrofitting by upgrading the flow sensor with state-of-the-art electronics without having to replace the entire flowmeter. This saves customers additional costs and even downtime, allowing them to maximise the sustainability of their financial and material resources for their instrumentation.

Your added value

  • Cost-effective and sustainable alternative to full replacement meters
  • Allows for a quick upgrade of electronics without dismounting your instruments
  • Expands the diagnostic capabilities and the reliability of your measurement
  • Facilitates the easy adaptation to increased application requirements, e.g. by enhanced functionality and outputs
  • Access to KROHNE's highly skilled repair departments if a full mechanical overhaul is required
  • Extends product life cycle
  • Your service partner for replacement management of installed 3rd party EMFs